‘Gardenlust’ looks at best 21st century gardens in the world - San Francisco Chronicle
Tuesday, April 23, 2019Kew Gardens in London. He then worked at a number of public gardens in England and the U.S., including 20 years as director and chief designer of Chanticleer Arboretum in Pennsylvania. (I have been to Chanticleer and have seen the Ruins Garden he created there from the stone and slate ruins of the home of the original owner of the property. It’s a spectacular piece of garden art, which includes the work of Berkeley garden sculptor Marcia Donahue.)
Because Woods understands the need for well-planned garden form as well as for horticultural skill and knowledge, he gives us both perspectives in “Gardenlust.” You will learn the names and view the work of forward-looking garden designers the world over. You will also find discussions of certain soils and for important plants in each garden, their common as well as scientific names down to the often all-important cultivar name.
I also enjoyed Woods’ explorations of some common themes in gardens of our new century. One of these themes is conservation through cultivation — bringing native plants into gardens to ensure their survival. One of many examples is Pad Te Ke Botanical Garden in Laos, where 250 of that nation’s 485 native orchids are being grown. Another is the Jardín de Salvias in Mar del Plata, Argentina, where a former Buenos Aires professor, Rolando Uría, has initiated a collection of salvia species. (I was particularly taken with a photograph of Salvia foveolata, a tall salvia species with light yellow flowers and dark red sepals.)
A sec...https://www.sfchronicle.com/homeandgarden/article/Gardenlust-looks-at-best-21st-century-13580871.php
Köln: Painting Parties sind ein neuer Trend
Saturday, July 14, 2018Kostenexplosion bei Großprojekten
Kommentar zum Brüsseler Platz: Die Stadt Köln muss Lärmschutz robuster durchsetzen
Vor mir auf dem Tisch steht eine leere Leinwand, daneben ein Glas Wasser und drei Pinsel. Ein Pappteller mit dicken Hügeln aus Farbe, die auf mich sehr bunt und grell wirken, liegt unterhalb der Staffelei. Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass daraus ein ansehnliches Bild werden soll.Dabei ist das Motiv schon klar: Das entscheidet man nämlich mit der Kursbuchung. Ich zum Beispiel bin auf der Veranstaltung „Köln im Frühling. Das Bild, das irgendwann einmal entstehen soll, sieht man schon im Vorhinein auf der Webseite: Der Kölner Dom im Hintergrund, vorne eine grüne Wiese mit Gänseblümchen. Insgesamt gibt es über 90 Motive, die man an verschiedenen Abenden malen kann. „Fresh Flowers heißt ein anderes Motiv, „Mandelblüten oder „Altstadt sind weitere.Seit zwei Jahren in Ehrenfeld„Mal was anderes ist das Motto der Veranstaltungen, die es nun schon seit zwei Jahren in Ehrenfeld gibt. Baldwin stammt aus Houston, Texas – das merkt man nur leicht an ihrem Akzent, aber stark an ihrer Art, die Menschen, die heute Abend gekommen sind, zusammenzubringen. Sie begrüßt jeden überschwänglich. Eine Teilnehmerin ist mit ihrer Mutter da, die schon über 80 ist. Sie spricht weder Deutsch noch Englisch, nur Französisch. Kein Problem, sagt Baldwin. Zwei andere Teilnehmer haben sich verspätet, es ist schon 19 Uhr. Kein Problem, sagt Baldwin. Ich bekomme noch eine Schürze und Tipps, wie ich, falls nötig, die Acrylfarbe wieder aus meiner Kleidung bekomme. Kein Problem, sagt sie.Neben mir sitzt eine Teilnehmerin, die schon einmal hier war. Sie wird immer wieder aufmunternde Worte in meine Richtung fallen lassen, wenn ich sehr kritisch auf meinen halbfertigen Dom schaue und ihn mir selbst mies mache. Ich bin die einzige, die ohne Begleitung gekommen ist, alle anderen haben mindestens eine Freundin dabei. Das ist aber nicht weiter wild: Zwar malen wir wirklich die zwei Stunden durch, so dass man die Zeit in Ruhe für sich nutzen kann. Sich in die Gespräche der anderen einzuklinken, wäre aber auch ein Leichtes.
Köln im Frühling lautet das Motto der Painting Party
Foto: Arton Krasniqi
Wir beginnen mit dem Himmel, mischen das Blau mit weißer Farbe. Baldwin zeigt vorne an ihrer Staffelei, wie man es machen kann. Dann gibt es Zeit für uns, um das Gezeigte selbst umzusetzen. Baldwin dreht die Musikanlage auf, es kommt 90er-Musik von Whitney Houston mit „I wanna dance with somebody und „We'r...http://www.bing.com/news/apiclick.aspx?ref=FexRss&aid=&tid=7F4AC8F21703499D83B597EDF7689D82&url=https%3a%2f%2fwww.ksta.de%2fkoeln%2fneuer-trend-painting-parties-malen-und-feiern-ist-auch-in-koeln-angesagt-30954786&c=17245285761947376726&mkt=de-de
German Cannabis Grow Bid Finalists Proceed To Next Round - CannaTech.news
Friday, August 11, 2017German patients begin to be covered by health insurance policies and the Canadian rec market kicks off.The latter would be a disaster for Germans in particular who are facing an insurance industry leery of the drug and their mandate to cover it. The price of cannabis has zoomed upwards here even since last summer. This is mostly due to the interpretation of the law by pharmacies, who have tacked on a “grinding fee” at the last port of call. As German law mandates that all narcotics (of which cannabis is one) must be handed over in person at apothekes, this means that the price has increased by about 1/3 since last summer to about 2,000 euros a month.Obviously this is not something that can continue for long, particularly with insurance companies balking at the entire discussion in the first place. The most important thing the German government can do right now to boost confidence in the program is to guarantee a certain level of access – even before domestic grow operations begin to harvest in two years time.The firms now apparently entering the final round all have the qualifications and experience to deliver top-quality cannabis to a now over-ready German domestic market.Now the questions are: Will all of them be selected, are there others in consideration, or will this group of highly qualified firms be winnowed down further to meet the requirements of the tender bid? That however, is also not a reliable guide. That document called for an annual production capability from all of the firms involved that is less than the current medical patient population in Germany requires on a yearly basis.[Featured image credit: Company Logos]Share this:Related...http://www.cannatech.news/2017/07/26/german-cannabis-grow-bid-finalists-proceed-to-next-round/
Landschaft in Einzelteilen | Südwest Presse Online - Südwest Presse
Thursday, May 4, 2017Außer Linoleum schneidet Jennifer König auch Karton, in „scenery lines“ hat sie dafür Karton mit farbigem Kern verwendet, die Landschaftsteile erscheinen hier als leerstehende Umrisse, die ebenfalls wieder übereinander gestapelt sind. Bei ihren „flower pieces“ wiederum verwendet sie gemalte Druckstöcke, auf denen sie die Ölfarbe mit dem Pinsel so einsetzt, dass auf der mit besonderem Papier eingeschlagenen Leinwand eine Reliefstruktur entsteht, die mit Grafit nachgezeichnet werden – eine Technik, die sehr viel Luftigkeit und Transparenz erzeugt.Jennifer König wird heute, Freitag, 5. Mai, 19 Uhr, mit dem erstmalig vergebenen Holzschnitt-Förderpreis des Spendhaus-Freundeskreises im Städtischen Kunstmuseum ausgezeichnet. Die Laudatio hält Dr. Hans-Werner Schmidt.Die Ausstellung „Konstruktionen nach dem Sinn“ mit Arbeiten von Jennifer König ist ab Samstag, 6. Mai, bis 3. Oktober im Spendhaus zu sehen. kk...http://www.swp.de/reutlingen/lokales/reutlingen/landschaft-in-einzelteilen-14916105.html
Green party politician remains most popular head of federal state in Germany: poll - Xinhua | English.news.cn - Xinhua
Sunday, January 26, 2020With an approval rate of 66 percent, Daniel Guenther, Minister President of Schleswig-Holstein, was the second most popular head of a federal state in Germany, followed by Stephan Weil of Lower Saxony who was ranked third with 60 percent.
At the bottom of the ranking was Berlin's governing mayor, Michael Mueller (SPD), whose work was only rated positively by 27 percent of people living in the German capital's federal state.
Following a big win in the European Parliament elections in May, where the Green party in Germany won 20.5 percent of votes and became second strongest political force, support for the Green party in Germany is at a historic high.
According to last week's Trendbarometer, the Greens would gain the same number of votes as the governing conservative union CDU/CSU if elections were to be held.
With regards to a first Green German chancellor, Winfried Kretschmann recently told the Funke Media Group that a German government led by the Greens would not involve a radical change of policy.
"Nobody needs to be afraid of a Green Chancellor. We are not trumps or Erdogans or Orbans who throw everything overboard," Kretschmann told the German newspapers.
The head of Baden-Wuerttemberg noted that he did not see "big differences" in alliances with the CDU/CSU and the SPD. "In socio-political issues, we make progress with the social democrats, in economic policy with the CDU/CSU".
Berlin moves to greatly reduce ‘solidarity tax’ for eastern Germany - Euronews
Tuesday, August 20, 2019The bill, proposed by the finance minister from Angela Merkel’s CDU party, has been encouraged with support from the CDU’s coalition partner the SPD.The Prime Minister of Lower Saxony, Stephan Weil, said: "It is absolutely time to noticeably reduce the burden on small and medium incomes by abolishing the solidarity surcharge."Weil also thinks it's good that 10% of Germans should continue to pay the solidarity surcharge. "Nobody would understand, however, if the highest incomes in Germany were now to be rewarded with tax gifts totalling around eleven billion euros. We'd better invest this money in education and climate protection."Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel, parliamentary party and state leader of the SPD in Hesse, also supports Scholz.What is the Soli tax?The solidarity surcharge was introduced in 1991, to help reconstruction of the east following the reunification of Germany in the wake of the fall of the Berlin Wall.The tax was originally supposed to be in place only for a limited time but became permanent in 1995.Initially, the solidarity rate was 7.5%, but since 1995 it has been 5.5%. In addition, the surcharge has been unlimited since 1995.Contrary to some assumptions, taxpayers in the west and east have to pay the tax.According to the Ministry of Finance, in 2018 the German state received €18.9 billion as a result.Criticism of the billAccording to the Ministry of Finance, single people with an annual gross income of up to €73,874 would not have to pay anything. From €109,451 gross annual wages, the full supplement would have to be paid.Accordingly, a family with two children and an annual income of €221,375 or more...https://www.euronews.com/2019/08/13/berlin-moves-to-greatly-reduce-solidarity-tax-for-eastern-germany
The German European: how Ursula von der Leyen rose to become EU president - New Statesman
Tuesday, August 20, 2019Chancellor Angela Merkel, for one, is a fan. Merkel brought von der Leyen into her first cabinet in 2005, just two years after the latter became a minister in the state of Lower Saxony. In fact, for a while Merkel appeared to be grooming von der Leyen as her successor. (Merkel’s actual chosen successor and CDU party leader, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, will take over at the defence ministry.)
But von der Leyen never truly had enough allies in her own party to succeed Merkel in the Chancellery, perhaps because she was always something of an outsider, personally and ideologically. She joined the CDU at the relatively late age of 32 and spent years working as a doctor and taking care of her family before her rapid rise as a member of Merkel’s team.
That’s not to say von der Leyen is especially popular with Germany’s other major parties. All of the Social Democratic MEPs broke with their European colleagues to reject von der Leyen in the confirmation vote. The German SPD even distributed a letter in Brussels stating that she was an “inadequate and inappropriate candidate”. The Greens in Europe — the party is surging in Germany and could take over the Chancellery at the next election — also whipped to vote against von der Leyen, though their opposition is not all personal, but rather due to the fact that she is not a Spitzenkandidat (the lead candidate put forward by each parliamentary bloc in the European elections).
The German public are not fans either. According to the most recent SPON poll, 68 per cent are unsatisfied with her work as defence minister. Defence minister is a tough job, but that’s a strikingly poor number.
Nevertheless, many Germans are pleased that one of their countrymen — or rather women — will head the European Commission for the first time in 50 years. Putting a German face on the EU could improve the Commission’s messaging towards Europe’s biggest member state.
span id="docs-internal-guid-36c63774-7fff-ea93-5b1d-71...https://www.newstatesman.com/world/europe/2019/07/german-european-how-ursula-von-der-leyen-rose-become-eu-president
Germany’s Landesbanken still seeking clean bill of health - Financial Times
Tuesday, April 23, 2019One public sector bank yet to be given a clean bill of health is Hanover-based NordLB, a lender with €160bn in assets majority-owned by the German states of Lower Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt with regional Sparkassen holding a minority stake of 35 per cent.The bank, weighed down by a vast portfolio of non-performing shipping loans, expects that it will be singled out as the weakest link in Germany’s banking system in the European Banking Authority’s stress test on Friday. “That would not be a surprise,” NordLB told the Financial Times. The lender has started to woo new investors in an attempt to raise fresh capital of about €3.5bn, with the state of Lower-Saxony standing ready to pitch in taxpayers’ money alongside external investors. Six potential bidders are conducting due diligence and have until November 28 to decide if they will table a binding offer. Among the suitors is Landesbank peer Helaba, as well as listed rival Commerzbank, private equity funds Cerberus and three other PE investors, said a person familiar with the process. “I am glad that we have different options and am open for several different scenarios,” Lower Saxony’s finance minister Reinhold Hilbers told the FT, adding that a deal with a different Landesbank as well as one with private investors was on the ca...https://www.ft.com/content/d7d380cc-dcdb-11e8-9f04-38d397e6661c